Deans of Law Schools: Larry Mitchell Versus Tulane Law School Men

One of the men at Tulane Law School whom the Dean and University President seem to love love love and hand-pick for all sorts of important, powerful positions is known to have a history of being abusive to three of the women who are closest to him in his personal life.  According to the empirical research regarding priming, this means that this male law faculty member is likely to treat women in the workplace – the law school – like crap also.  If you disrespect women at home, you are likely to do it at work.

How does this impact female Tulane Law School students and female faculty members?  Well, at least one woman said this male faculty member makes her feel uncomfortable.  It is alleged that alcohol was smelled on his breath while at the Law School during the work day.  The Dean did not care.  Provost Mike Bernstein also did not care because he just loves loves loves this misogynistic male Tulane Law School faculty member.

What does it tell you that the Tulane Law School Dean Dave Meyer and other senior Tulane Administrators (Provost Mike Bernstein and President Scott Cowen and Board Chair Darryl Berger) LOVE this male law school professor who is known for his bad behavior toward women?  What does that tell you?

It tells me that Meyer, Bernstein, and Cowen like to reward men who are known to treat women poorly.  Otherwise, Meyer, Bernstein, and Cowen would be favoring and appointing FEMALE faculty members for the things that they are instead giving to the misogynistic male Tulane Law School professor.

Sexism:  Let’s not just embrace it!  Let’s REWARD and PROMOTE people who display it! (I wonder if Tulane could fit these words on a bumper sticker or college t-shirt.)

Tulane Provost Mike Bernstein

In the words of one of the female law school professors at Tulane Law School, Tulane Provost Mike Bernstein “has the worst interpersonal skills” this professor had ever witnessed.  That law school professor was perhaps being too kind about Bernstein.

Many other professors (and students) view Mike Bernstein as a flat-out bully.  He raises his voice at colleagues, he has made multiple women cry, he has gone after students viciously, and he seems to have no ethical opposition to lying in his professional life.  Just my opinion (but an opinion shared by others at Tulane).

“Authoritarian” is how another female law school professor described Bernstein.  “A loose cannon” is what another law school professor deemed Bernstein.

Bernstein seems to have little patience for women, minorities, those with disabilities, whistleblowers, and those who are otherwise viewed by him as “different.”  Presumably Bernstein would be happiest if all women would just shut up, sit down, and be good little submissive girls.

How many FEMALES has Bernstein appointed to power positions at Tulane versus MEN?  This data tells the story.


Scott Cowen’s and Mike Bernstein’s and Dave Meyer’s Pattern of Misconduct…

If a Tulane administrator engages in misconduct against multiple unrelated people whose only unifying characteristic is that they are “different” – meaning, minorities, those with disabilities, outspoken women, etc. – is that a pattern or is that a curious coincidence?

Cowen et al. (with the tacit permission of Board members like Jay Lapeyre, Kim Boyle, Jeanne Olivier, etc.) repeatedly engage in abusive, inequitable, disturbing conduct toward various individual women, minorities, and those who are otherwise different, and these victims either slink away or sue and are ultimately paid to go away (after swearing to confidentiality).  This means that it becomes easy for Tulane administrators (like Cowen) or Board members (like Lapeyre) to deny that there is a true pattern.

This website – along with the multiple other websites documenting Cowen’s and the Board’s misconduct that exist on the interwebs – will help to document the various unrelated yet eerily similar instances of abuse, harassment, discrimination, retaliation, and abusive nonsense perpetrated by Cowen, Bernstein, Meyer, and their hand-picked minions on various unrelated people whose only unifying feature is that they are protected under state and federal laws (like the ADA, Title VII, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, etc.).

If you have been subject to Cowen’s, Bernstein’s, Meyer’s, etc. tom-foolery, e-mail your story to

The Legal Disclaimer

It goes without saying that this blog is not a Tulane-sponsored blog nor is the blog somehow making representations on behalf of Tulane.  If you somehow would think that this blog is an official Tulane blog, you are… well… uhm… naive.  What is the likelihood that Tulane President Scott Cowen and his toadies are going to publish, authorize, or allow a blog that reveals even just a fraction of their misconduct?  Presumably minimal.

Also, as we all know, you cannot or should not trust everything you read on the internet.  So, while the authors of the material on this blog believe the material to be 100% accurate, you should not rely on this information.  Question everything.  And, if ever you want documentation or explanation for the views and opinions shared on this blog, just ask.  The content published on this website is opinion – personal, albeit well-informed (usually) opinion.  Read at your own risk.